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Educational Videos:
Climate Change

An educational video on the mountain top removal in West Virginia, USA. The state of West Virginia has had over five hundred mountains destroyed over coal mining companies. 

A short educational video on the connection between climate change and health. The video talks about the environment footprint and the need to reduce it to have a healthier planet and individual health.   

An educational video on Eco Cities and how to create one. An eco city is that does more with less, providing sustainable living, housing, energy efficiency, and more. 

An educational Ted Talk on fossil fuels and renewable resources.Federico Rosei and Renzo Rosei describe the challenges of trying to rely solely on renewable resources like wind, sun, and water.  

An educational video on the question, "will we see more wars over resources?" 

As resources become more and more scarce, we can easily anticipate conflict and war over what resources could be left.  

An educational video on the future of farming. With unpredictable weather, more and more farms have had to adopt new methods to maintain business.

This video shows how some people are highly concerned, to the point of proposing trillion dollar plans, about the risks of climate change. While this video is simply one politician’s idea, it is useful to illustrate the types of measures that some think are necessary.

This video discusses how deforestation in the Amazon is having an impact on the global climate. This is because these forests are so vast that they influence the weather and the climate both in the immediate area and for away.

Specifically focused on Africa, this video shows the human impact of climate change, describing how the drying and heating of the general climate will affect farming, possibly starving people or forcing them to move.

This video takes a look at the economic effects of climate change. It warns that the damage to the environment and the displacement of people will likely damage the economy of several large countries.

This video shows news coverage of youth climate activism. This is important both because it shows that people are attempting to enact change in their country’s policies, but also that much of this concern is centered around young people.

An educational video on how some major corporations are getting prepared for climate change. Two of the major corporations include Apple and Coca-Cola.

This video discusses a family that has been forced to move due to climate change. this highlights a growing threat, giving a view of what is to come if climate change isn’t significantly curbed.

This video discusses the psychological impact that climate change is having. Because of this effect, two women have started a support group and have posted a 10 step program to help fight this anxiety.

Exploring the current arctic climate, this short video provides useful videos and commentary on how animals are struggling to adapt to the melting ice at the northernmost reaches of the planet.

This video focuses on the Amazon rainforest in the context of climate change. Because of the complexity of the ecosystem, the changing climate has harsh effects on this vital biome, with the potential to be disastrous to the global climate if significant damage is done to it.

Taking a more economical approach to discussing climate change, this video explains how the changing climate could have an impact on the production of bananas. This would have a disastrous impact on the economies of banana producing countries, some of which rely heavy on these exports to bolster their economy.

This video explains the need to adapt the agricultural practices in Africa to increase productivity and be able to feed people in the era of climate change.

This video has parts of a speech from the prime minister of Singapore. Here, he warns about the risks that climate change poses, stressing that humanity must band together if we want to survive this crisis.

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