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Journal Articles:

This source looks to improve data gathering and mapmaking relating to the study of malnutrition in Africa. This method includes both prevalence and head counts. In addition, it combines data on chronic and undernutrition. The authors also took care to include data that discounted national borders. This resulted in a highly comprehensive map that displays a gradient color scheme identifying the regions where the problem of malnutrition is gravest.

Article discussing the sanctions that had recently been placed on North Korea due to nuclear tensions. Sanctioning an already starving nation will only increase the problems of poverty and hunger. UNICEF launched a relief aid of $16.5 million in reaction to the emergency threat of 60,000 children dying. Farmers have been reduced to using human waste as fertilizer. This leads to parasites and diseases.

An article on obesity in America. The author speaks upon the difficulty of affording healthy living food and how limited budgets can come with poor nutrition. 

This article was written shortly after a summit between United States president Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. Criticizes Trump for not bringing up the acts of starvation, slave-labor, and torture that occur in re-education camps for minor infractions. Most North Koreans that earn a wage only earn between $2 and $3 a month. More than 18 million people need food assistance. Many are in states of malnutrition. Approximately 340 people were executed in a span of 5 years. This number only projects known and reported executions.

An article on how Federal Food Programs are beneficial and are effect, but goes into detail on how they can do better. 

An article from the Hunger Project website on the importance of water access within the fight against poverty. The article gives a lot of short facts on how the lack of water effects women and children and health concerns from polluted water sources.  

An article that highlights over individuals, companies, and organizations that are working on feeding the hungry in India. Some include: Akshaya Patra, Fight Hunger Foundation, and Feeding India. 

An article that brings to light 5 ways to combat world hunger: 

improving agriculture to boost incomes, teaching shared responsibility for health and nutrition, empowering women in agriculture, managing natural resources and preparing for disaster, and meeting immediate needs. 

An article on food and the amount of energy it uses for the product to be available. Some foods use a lot more energy than others. One example of this is grain verse meat. Meat needs a significant more amount of energy than meat does for the product to become available for consumers.  

An article on the importance of sustainable agriculture. The article goes into the details of what that means and gives examples of topics in sustainable agriculture and philosophies and practices. 

One of the webpages on the Hunger Project website that gives fast facts and statistics on hunger and poverty. Some of the topics include: world hunger facts, water and sanitation, women and children, and more. 

An article on the agriculture issues within the United States. It touches on the current conditions, which hurts the environment with chemicals, and how farmers need to practice save, sustainable agriculture.

An article on the term "Food Desert." The definition given by the article is as follows: "geographic areas where residents' access to affordable, healthy food options is restricted or non existent due to the absence of grocery stories within convenient traveling distance."

An article that brings forth 10 causes of world hunger. Some of the causes include food shortages, climate change, poor nutrition, poor public policy, and more.

An article on child hunger that gives facts on each of these sub-topics: global child facts, and national child facts. The article then goes on to give some solutions to these problems.

A short article on world hunger from an organization who is fighting to end this continual problem. 

An article on hunger and how a lot of other crucial issues around the world intertwine with each other. Some of the other causes that link together include, poverty, job stability, war and conflict, education, discrimination, and more.

An article that speaks broadly on the groups of people who experience hunger, although they state that anyone could be at risk of hunger.

An article that gives an overview of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the agenda for 2030. 

An article on hunger and malnutrition and how they are not the same thing. The article gives examples of some of the road blocks that malnutrition has on someone. 

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